Summer is a great time to tackle home maintenance tasks. Here are a few things you can do to keep your home in top shape:

  1. Clean gutters and downspouts: Summer thunderstorms can cause debris to accumulate in your gutters and downspouts, leading to clogs and potential water damage. Make sure to clear them out regularly.

  2. Check your air conditioning: With the hot summer months, your air conditioning unit is going to be working overtime. Make sure to replace filters, clean the coils, and check for any leaks or issues.

  3. Inspect your roof: Summer is a good time to inspect your roof for any damage from the winter months. Look for missing shingles, cracks, or other signs of wear and tear.

  4. Trim trees and shrubs: Overgrown trees and shrubs can cause damage to your home, especially during summer storms. Keep them trimmed and away from your home.

  5. Clean and repair outdoor spaces: From your deck to your patio, summer is the perfect time to clean and repair any outdoor space. Pressure wash your deck, replace broken boards, and repair any cracks in your patio.

By taking care of these summer home maintenance tasks, you'll be able to enjoy your home all season long without any unexpected issues.

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